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Welcome to the Isle Education Trust website. We hope that this site provides you with all the information you require regarding our Trust and that you will get a sense of the organisation we are and aspire to be. If you are interested in finding out more about Isle Education Trust please contact us.

  • South Axholme
  • Coritani
  • Epworth Primary

IET Vision 

  • Inspiring Excellence Together. A place where communities matter and individuals thrive.   

IET Aims  

  • To create successful communities and individuals who thrive  
  • To inspire belonging and wellbeing within our communities   
  • To develop and build resilient communities 

IET Ethos and Values :  

We are all responsible for our own behaviours.  Our values describe the ways in which we will individually behave and approach our work so that the IET community is the very best it can be.  

 Our values are:   

  • Be respectful - Choose your attitude. Be honest, consistent and considerate in all that you d0 
  • Be inspirational – influence and inspire other people through your actions 
  • Be resilient – embrace the challenge: dare to think big and try new things  

If we know that someone is struggling to live these values, we will work with them to support them because our values are what make us belong.